Finalist in Australian Tapestry Workshop’s competition
Tapestry Design Prize for Architects
“In Traces, Malin Parkegren captures the surrounding landscape of the Shoalhaven River and the built structures of the Bundanon Art Museum. The subtle gradients juxtaposed with vertical slits, create holes that permeate the surface and body of the tapestry.”

Photo by Marie-Luise Skibbe. Excerpt woven by David Pearce in wool and cotton at the Australian Tapestry Workshop 2024, 110 x 75cm. 
“In the original design the trees and structural interventions of the Bundanon have been reduced to mere traces, vertical strike marks represented as physical slits in the woven canvas. David’s incorporation of these physical breaks in the tapestry’s surface is an experimental process - as normally they would be sewn together. The finished tapestry is unlined and all weft (horizontal threads) will be sewn in, effectively creating a double sided tapestry.”

Copyright  Malin Parkegren 2024